
February 2, 2007

Here’s an awesome video my friend Mark sent over. It’s like audio-visual sampling, just great. And the guy actually can’t play the drums or piano.

It’s titled “Amateur” and it’s by Lasse Gjertsen.

Have a couple of new songs up on projet M.U.‘s myspace page, as well as on the website. The two tracks will be on a forthcoming 7-track ep, which we will be available soon.

I know I may sound like Mr Bitter saying this, but I continue to take issue with MySpace. The 4-track policy makes some sense, but, quite frankly, once you get past one release, you want to keep older songs and not create new MySpace accounts for them.

And the thing is that this policy is malleable. The other day, I checked out The Shins’ myspace page and they’ve got their whole album posted.

Why them? And why were they prominently featured on MySpace’s main page for a few months?

Someone’s probably paying up. So much for the “independent” artist.

But alas.

All I’m hoping for is that Damien Rice decides to promote his brilliant 9 album the same way the producers of 300, the movie, did a little while back. What they did is made it possible for people to post up to 300 photos (before it was something like 12), ant Tom made the pleasant announcement to all of us…and we supposedly all ran to see the movie.

MySpace or YouTube?

January 29, 2007

The thing with MySpace is that Tom is nice and all, but you can only post four songs. And there’s just so many accounts that one can open and maintain. Maybe it’s just my pro-YouTube sentiment of late, but that’s where YouTube beats far as I can tell, I can pretty much post away as much as I want on that thing. At least so I’m hoping in the interests of this blog.

Which brings me to the following. “To Hold On To” is a song we had posted on projet M.U.’s myspace page, until we needed to upload a newer track from Salomé..and it had to go.

And we kind of forgot about the song for a while, but started playing with it recently to try and record a new version. So here’s a video from a rehearsal today. Sorry for that weird note there in the end.

Nikita U & the Intercourse

January 28, 2007

Very very soon, Nikita U will have the studio version of “Forgetango” posted on his myspace site. The song has somewhat become a crowd favourite at the few shows that we’ve played, and the studio version is sounding awesome, so hopefully y’all will enjoy. If anyone liked Monia, from the swallow song, well, she does back vocals on “Forgetango”.

Enough talk though. Here’s us rehearsing the song a few months ago:

Hello, Swallow Song

January 27, 2007

I’ve been blogging over at Blogue North for a few months now. That blog is mostly about politics and activism and bit of culture. But I’ve at times wanted to post something more personal, share a song or thought or whatnot.

Hence this new blog.

And here’s post 1, actually something I posted on Blogue North last night, and which led me to think of starting a blog for these kinds of things.

My project, projet M.U. wrote and performed a live soundtrack to Théâtre Deuxième Réalité’s L’Évangile selon Salomé. This is just a couple of minutes from that show and a song called “Te Libérer,” aka “The Swallow Song.” Monia Chokri, who played Salomé’s mother, is on vocals.